Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hello people :) i just got back from terawih. Oh before that, nak cerita dulu pasal sakura. Dia ni gedik doe. Hahaha, asyik2 nak dengan Hairil jee =.= gataaaal HAHAHAHAH xD aaa ok, when i reached home from school, my sister and i were looking for sakura tapi tak dapat jumpa. Kitorang macam dah cuak la kan. So, tunggu nearly 5 minutes, dia tak show up jugak. So i decided to masuk rumah because i reaaaaally wanted to sleep, penat kott, so cm whatever lah, sorry sakuraa. Ahaha. Soo then bangun at 4. Nearly forgot to solat zohor, haha, so cm gelabah2 solat, takut asar dah masuk. Tiba2 dad knocked my door. I was like, heh, kenapa la pulak ni kan, ketuk da la tak henti. So i opened the door, sekali dad cakap his phone is missing. I was like, ;O biar betuuul. He said his phone was charging and dah nak tidur dah. Bangun je after a few minutes, tgk2 phone hilang. Sumpah pelik doe. We searched one house pn tak dapat jumpa. Siapa la yang bertuah sangat ni nak ambik. Bulan2 puasa pulak tu. Ish3. Lets just hope that we'll find it anyway. Tolonglaaahh. Adeyh. Ok so, it was already 5.30, kena ambik imran. Ok la, keluar ambik dia semua, dgn raiha and azim sekali then went petronas, then terus balik.

So dah sampai rumah, my sister tgk sakura mcm kesiaaan sgt, so she wanted to give her food lagi and this time its a tuna, specially for kittens. Haha. Kelakar doe sakura, azim was holding her while my sister put the tuna dalam mangkuk dia kan, then right after azim let her go, she cepat2 ran to the bowl and terus makan. Gila doe, macam tak pernah makan berapa tahuun. Haha, my sister, i and imran laughed macam apa je tgk dia. Haha. Ahaa, then after she had her meal, i tried to put her into sleep, tapi degil doe, hahaha. Pegi main dengan lalat, hahahahha. Last2, dapat jugak tidurkan diaaa,

comeeeeel ;DD heee. Aaa okay lepas dia dah tiduuur punya lah sedap, i put her in her basket. Sumpah mengada, bangun balik =.= apaaa lah. Ahaha. Sakura, sakura. Mhmm, theeeen it was time to buka puasa. And then terawih.

Oh oh, terawih was okay. Tapi satuuu je, ada this one girl infront of me macam tak puas hati je, *pehal? ada hutang?* hahahha. She kept on looking at me while i was reading Al-quran. Apa lah. Then she purposely sit on my sejadah, like nearly half of my sejadah she conquered. Apa lah masalah dia. Whatever lah, Lame, Looser, hahahahhaha, gila jahat. Whatever lahh, hahaha x)

Oh yeah, sayang, cheer up, love youu ;)
and i love my babes too, hee :D


1 comment:

HRil~Nacho0o0o said...

Laa,phone your dad hilang? mcmmana tu kn. haha
Sakura kuat makan~! Nanti Montie baru tau. :p
Sayang! like tht pic alot~!!!!!!!!!! haha
TQ,by~ ^^ love Ya!